
Easy Chocolate Oreo Cake Recipe for Birthday - In Lockdown

Hello Guys,  Need a cake for your loved one, but can't order because of the lockdown? Or feeling not safe to order food from outside?  DON'T WORRY, we have a solution for this, why don't you try to bake cake at home. Don't worry it's too easy, if you are a beginner then also you should give a try to make this special day more special for them. let's see what you need for this. Off-course ingredients, but do you need oven? Not actually, you can bake without it also. So let's start! Ingredients: Chocolate Oreo Biscuit (2 packets of 30 rs each) Sugar Powder Milk (250 ml) Silver foil (optional) Vanilla essence (optional) Plane Eno/baking soda and baking powder For Decorating: (Optional) Dark or normal chocolate Dairy milk shots  2 Oreo biscuit slices 2 chocolate piece Candles Decoration part depends on how you want to decor it. Preparation before baking: Open both biscuit packets and from it keep two biscuit piece aside for decor.  Remove chocolate cream from bi...


keep hope faith -fight corona  Hello guys, Today am not here to share any of my trip experience as we all know what the world is going through now. I am going to share some tips which especially I am following to keep my mind calm. It’s been more than a month now and we are still in quarantine. It’s really hard for the people who are staying alone to be calm. “STAY AWAY FROM DEPRERSSION” YOGA or Meditation Whether you are working from home or doing nothing, meditation can help you a lot.   It will reduce your stress level   Increase your concentration power Improve your mood and keep you positive Well, there are more benefits like increase confidence, self-disciple and more but I have limited it based on our current corona environments. And definitely you will get more benefits than this. I am also working from home so didn’t get much time, my preferred practice is doing meditation of “OM” for 10 min each day. Improve Immunity It’...

Trip to Puri

Puri Sea view Hello guys, Today I am here to share my trip experience to Puri, Odisha. I and my younger sister were on a trip together.  We took the Garibnath train for Puri, it is a direct train from Patna to Puri and runs only ones in a week, so it wasn’t a problem for us to go but in return, we took the via route, puri to Bhubaneshwar and there to Patna. I will advise you while taking via route first know where will be your station and how’s that area. Because in via route there are many small stations where you can feel unsafe especially when traveling at night. We decided to book hotels through an app, nowadays we have the option to book on the app and pay at the hotel, booking through an app will cost you less than the real prices of hotels. We wanted to stay at the beach sight and we were at Puri beach sight hotel but I will recommend you to stay at Swargdwar beach sight hotel because it has more nice views and beach area with 2km distance f...

If you only had one day left to live, how would you spend that day?

Live every day like it’s your last. That’s a common phrase that I am hearing for years in movies. Even I believe in this because no one knows which will be your last day in this world. But if I had one day left to live then there are many things to do but can’t be done in one day. So… let’s get started. First, I will create a list “what I want to do” and as I use to wake up late in the morning, but on that day I would not like to waste my time in sleeping. Then, according to my list, I will do everything. Below are my things which will be on my list: 1. I will reach a place from where I can see the sunrise with a cup of tea in peace. 2. Call the entire loved one to have a get-together and say goodbye to them. 3. Write a sorry note for the mistakes I have done in my life 4. Pack my all teddies, dresses and drive towards the orphanage, will leave my stuff there and spend some time with children. 5. Will order my favorite dishes to have. 6...

About Jaisalmer

Hello everyone, this article is about Jaisalmer, so I will tell you about the history of Jaisalmer and the places where you can visit on the trip. History Of Jaisalmer Jaisalmer  is one of the most beautiful cities of Rajasthan  and lies in the Thar Desert. It is founded in 12 th century 1156 by Rawal Jaisal to establish his new capital and named it as Jaisalmer, on his name. He made his fort of mud. Jaisalmer is also known as Golden city because of all fort and houses  are made from the yellow sand and yellow stand-stone, imparting golden look to the city...  It owns a golden look which describes the beauty and creativity of that place. When you see these forts at daytime, only one word will come from inside i.e. WOW!  Reason being, the golden color is quite evident. Preferred Season If you are an adventurous person, then Jaisalmer is the right place for you to visit. However, it is advised to do your legwor...